Good ideas for the next SvM. PS or SC

Started by king of ur hill, January 18, 2014, 06:31:35 AM

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king of ur hill

i guess this is just preference but i cant stand the one shot crossbow in Blacklist SvM. id much rather see a SC20K type rifle that shot taze rounds. perhaps if it only shot maybe two or three rounds before it had to be recharged by manually pumping it like a variable pump pellet rifle. limiting the round capacity to a few would be a big enhancement over the spray n taze rifle in the legacy games....

throwing grenades is a HUGE improvement and it should always be an option. being able to shoot them far distances from a SC20K like rifle would be awesome still though. . In a perfect SvM, I see a Sc20K like rifle that shot taze rounds that have to be recharged via pump, and various grenades that shot at a flat arch so you dont have to worry about throwing your sticky cam at the low ceiling by accident. I also think that you should be able to momentarily stun a merc by shooting a various type of grenade at his head.

the footsteps need to be absolutely silent when crouching. the return of a variable speed walk and run would be nice. the legacy games and even conviction had very precise movement. you could move extremely slow, like an inch at a time. that was nice especially in those tense moments. BL's movement system is just awful. you barely nudge the stick and the spy moves about two feet out into the mercs line of fire.

more hack stations than 3. there needs to be passive alarms just like the old games. spies should be able to hack doors and alarm systems and so forth. better and bigger maps like the ones in the legacy games. I may get some hate on this opinion but i liked the Hold RT to bring up that forearm hack device in SCDA. made it intense when you were hacking in first person mode looking around for the merc.

and finally controls. there needs to be options. i just feel the current controls arent efficient. to me, Conviction had the best controls in any splinter cell game.. just my opinion.

i just feel like if you combined all the best things from each version of SvM we would have a PERFECT SvM multiplayer.


We want to add some form of grenade throwing for the Spy, but that will only be in certain situations. Mercs will just shoot the grenades from their gun.
Quote from: savior2006SCDA has more bugs than a rain forest.
Treat your customers with respect you make more customers. Treat your customers like pirates, you make more pirates.

king of ur hill

I trust that you guys will learn from Ubisofts mistakes. make us a damn good game.

this game is actually the reason im getting a gaming pc in the near future over a next gen console.


It's silly to let your choice for an object (either PC or a console) of that amount of money be determined by a game that's created by people who currently can't dedicated their full time to it.
Quote from: savior2006SCDA has more bugs than a rain forest.
Treat your customers with respect you make more customers. Treat your customers like pirates, you make more pirates.

king of ur hill

im not going to buy a pc tmmrw and sit and wait for PS to be finished. i have been wanting to make the switch to pc regardless. i have got plenty of time til PS comes out im sure. lol.


I think the way SCCT Versus handled it was pretty much perfect, tazer gun for spys which they also can shoot their equipment with. The tazer stuns the merc (but also spys) for like 2 or 3 seconds and makes them invicible to spys for 1 or 2 more seconds so they cant just run behind them and break their neck or jump onto them.

king of ur hill

i dont feel that the taze gun is that big of a deal.

but spies should be able to throw grenades a good distance and not just at their feet.


Something like "pulling the ring out" to make precision throws maybe? What annoyed a bit about the SCCT granades either exploded at impact (aside from "insta nade", spy only, when throwing per hand or shooting directly on merc) or after a predictable set of time (shooting it anywhere but on the merc, aside from bugs like "out of the map" or "insta nades")

To make merc granades more dangerous would encourage stealth as well, i.e. making it possible to make the explosive granades detonate AT LEAST faster than it was in SCCT. Making insta nades legitimate would IMO be gamebreaking, however.
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