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Reticule Design

Started by Daybreak, December 01, 2006, 09:25:15 PM

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Hey, I saw somewhere a request for a new reticule. Now I can't find it so I'll post it here.
Just a quick design.

Bars on the left
Outside: Overheating weapon
Inside: Ammo level

Bars on the right
Outside: Grenade launching strength
Inside: Grenades left


I can barely make out the bars on the thumbnail which is probably going to be the same size in game.

And don't CT interfaces have a colour theme going on? If the merc reticlue is red, won't the entire interface also have to be red (programmer's prespective of UI design)?



I threw it together, obviously there are things to consider like size, clarity, colour, even different hatches.
Again, just one design of possibly many to come.
I picked red cause the Project Stealth banner has red in it.
I thought it looked cool.


hmmm....we need to have as little clutter on the hud as possible.
  Dont forget we have a radar, time, score, chat,  and gadget selection onscreen as well.

1. Ammo/grenades bar is best visible on the gun intself
2.  We could put grenade strength on the gun as well....

3. overheating is not a feature, while bullet spread is.....which we will just copy from CT


hmmmm not a bad design but I can see it being more clutter than purpose.  Although those things would be helpful....


The HUD should be in-game as much as possible. Like Kebab says: grenades indicator on the gun, etc.


what about reticle custmization options ? i think a standard reticle is also a good idea , but it could be interesting for players with different styles of play choosing or making their own reticle .

--this is a commercial sight with magnification and 4 presets for reticle style .


reticle takes all of five minutes to create in photoshop.....this is the least of our concerns.  Also, we would want something unique to the game hud that will animate and not necessarily something in real life.


Something (probably) unique:

Download the old versus trailer. while watching it, notice how the merc crosshair moves left as he turns that way and right when he turns right and so on. While it might feel "consoleish" playing like that, i'm pretty tired with the fixed position between the gun and the direction you're facing. It feels like the gun is attached to your shoulder or something. naturally it would require some time getting used to.


That IS how aiming works on the Xbox. But it sucks for turning. I much prefer PC standard FPS controls.


I'm not saying that mercs should have slower turning than what it is now, or that the reticule should bounce around as much as in the video. You all know how the reticule acts in sniper mode (in PC), and I was thinking something more like that, probably even less.

Yes, it does hurt aiming a bit, now is that instantly a bad thing? The mercs aren't really having much trouble shooting the spies as it is, especially if the annoying rifle "bullet delay" issues are dealt with.


I don't think you should ever modify the interface for gameplaying balancing. Especially if you're doing something that will make things harder than it should be (maybe a roll/crouch button was a DA balancing?).


Am I the only one who hates the random sway in sniper mode? A funny thing is that if you go into sniper mode and make a sandwich, when you come back you'll be looking nowhere near where you first zoomed in.

As for the reticle: It should be unique, but also functional. The bulkier you make it, the harder it is to aim precisely in full-auto. I'm not a fan of useless HUD clutter just to make something look good.

Grenades on the gun would be cool, but if you need a section for which gadget you're using, wouldn't that just be redundant?

The only way I think you can really improve the merc HUD (and spy HUD too), is by implementing better chat text and making a better reticle. You could also try to tweak the radar's a radar, it shows dots, that's about it lol.

Maybe make the healthbar disappear if you're at full health?


i like the vanishing health bar, just like the energy bar. Also, it would be cool to have the radar work just like that. So it pops up when there's something to see.


I was thinking about basically the same as Spekkio, but I didn't think there wasn't any need for health bar at all, if your vision just became darker and darker depending on wounded you are, in other words, due to the loss of blood. If you fell from high you could just cripple your leg, and move slower, until your fancy nanosuit fixes you up. Mercs just need to limp to the nearest medikit, that's what they deserve when trying to act like a glitch monkey.