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i am an atheist

Started by Roberto1223, December 15, 2008, 11:08:30 PM

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who else here joins the terrible dark side with me?

... no but seriously i am an atheist...


I am a Pastafarian. Flying Spaghetti Monster FTW.
Quote from: savior2006SCDA has more bugs than a rain forest.
Treat your customers with respect you make more customers. Treat your customers like pirates, you make more pirates.

Gui Brazil

Hey, you gotta believe in god just so when you're totally screwed you can look up and say "oh god i'm fucked...".


may God have mercy on your soul...[/img]
Wanna see something weird?Click here[/url]

Theodore W


Atheists make me laugh. Their beliefs are arrogant assumptions, just like every other religion in the world. The fact is, you don't know shit.


The (IMO) fact that most monotheists believe in God as the only God (according to the Bible) but swear that all other gods of the ancient times did/do not exist... now that's arrogant and naieve.

Quote from: savior2006SCDA has more bugs than a rain forest.
Treat your customers with respect you make more customers. Treat your customers like pirates, you make more pirates.


Quote from: frvge on December 16, 2008, 08:04:48 AM
The (IMO) fact that most monotheists believe in God as the only God (according to the Bible) but swear that all other gods of the ancient times did/do not exist... now that's arrogant and naieve.

Hence why I said "just like every other religion in the world." The thing is, religion works around faith whereas atheism works on certainty.


will this kill the thread or enrage some people? we'll find out after this...[/img]
Wanna see something weird?Click here[/url]



The very first thing currently can't be explained, and most likely will never happen.
Although the LHC is said to answer what happened and why 0.000001 second after the Big Bang. =] Go science.
Quote from: savior2006SCDA has more bugs than a rain forest.
Treat your customers with respect you make more customers. Treat your customers like pirates, you make more pirates.


It's been my experience that..... There are no atheist in foxholes   something to ponder.  You really got to have a huge set of brass balls to look death in the face and say there's no god ! Do You really trust your instincts or convictions that much ?   I will say a prayer on your behalf.


Of course, God would pop up on that moment. Why? People are scared, so they tend to pray to a higher power for protection. It is highly unlikely that Wodan (or was it Thor?) makes the thunderstorms, but people were scared of thunderstorms so they prayed. Our advanced equipment shows how thunderstorms are made. So with your war-scene, God is IMO a placebo or a tranquillizer for the soothing effect. It's said to work. Mind over matter when it comes to physiological effects.
Quote from: savior2006SCDA has more bugs than a rain forest.
Treat your customers with respect you make more customers. Treat your customers like pirates, you make more pirates.

I <3 U

People who live there life around something they're unsure exist are tards. You only have one life. Religions are so restrictive aswell, dont do drugs, don't drink alcohol, pray x amount of times a day, dont have sex before marriage, dont use these words. People always need to put a reason, or answer behind everything, that's why religion exists.


Quote from: agentsmybitch on December 16, 2008, 07:42:08 PM
It's been my experience that..... There are no atheist in foxholes   something to ponder.  You really got to have a huge set of brass balls to look death in the face and say there's no god ! Do You really trust your instincts or convictions that much ?   I will say a prayer on your behalf.

I'm sure the guy in the clouds will be listening oh so closely to what you have to say.

I will say, if it makes you happy or feel good, then right on.