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Started by Jordan, August 16, 2011, 07:33:30 AM

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Working on a video encoding pipeline with Amazon Elastic Transcoder for the weird files, so we can get them on Indiedb and Steam. :) This will be of the menu and the gameplay footage first.
Quote from: savior2006SCDA has more bugs than a rain forest.
Treat your customers with respect you make more customers. Treat your customers like pirates, you make more pirates.


While I will admit I'm quite annoyed by the radio silence the developers are giving us, I am happy to know that they are still working on it whenever they can. You guys have taken on a big task, and I really can't wait for you to be done. Hell, I wish I could help you, but I'm a pretty poor coder, so I'll have to stand on the sidelines for this one.


Quote from: Meister_Neo on April 06, 2013, 06:55:27 PM
Project Stealth needs to show more presence... a lot of people think that PS was dropped.

This could be achieved by:

1. Updating the main site! last update was in january.... OF 2012!
2. Finally uploading that gameplay video to indieDB!
This game has been "in development" for 7 years now. The hundred or so people who would have had interest based on SCCT have moved on.

After 7 years the best you have is a 30 second clip of a spy running around a map. This game will never be released. And in the off-chance it is, it will be buggier and less polished than SCPT could ever dream of being.


but people on steam greenlight are interested and bring new possible fans.

also number of views of the gameplay video that was added YESTERDAY on indieDB was 333!
If there are any orthographic/grammatical errors in this post, you can keep them and, if you want, hang them over your bed ;)

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
- Mike Godwin


Spekkio, we more than quadrupled our record on indiedb's visitors yesterday. That's our all-time record.
I'm not giving away stats on Steam Greenlight yet, but we're in the top-10 there too (in the Concepts category, but still...)
Quote from: savior2006SCDA has more bugs than a rain forest.
Treat your customers with respect you make more customers. Treat your customers like pirates, you make more pirates.


Quote from: frvge  [Autor] 8 Apr 2013 @ 8:33pm (Steam Greenlight)Thanks all! Spread the word. More new media soon =]

I never heard of this in here!
If there are any orthographic/grammatical errors in this post, you can keep them and, if you want, hang them over your bed ;)

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
- Mike Godwin


It's the stuff of the Easter Bunny hunt.
Quote from: savior2006SCDA has more bugs than a rain forest.
Treat your customers with respect you make more customers. Treat your customers like pirates, you make more pirates.


Quote from: frvge on April 11, 2013, 07:58:05 PM
It's the stuff of the Easter Bunny hunt.

ah ok, if there will be another bunny, please tell!  :)
If there are any orthographic/grammatical errors in this post, you can keep them and, if you want, hang them over your bed ;)

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
- Mike Godwin


Quote from: savior2006SCDA has more bugs than a rain forest.
Treat your customers with respect you make more customers. Treat your customers like pirates, you make more pirates.


If there are any orthographic/grammatical errors in this post, you can keep them and, if you want, hang them over your bed ;)

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
- Mike Godwin


Got wasted at a b-day party. And now I'm watching a movie. I'll see about putting a new challenge online in a few hours.

(disclaimer: my internet has been acting up today, so I might not get a connection)
Quote from: savior2006SCDA has more bugs than a rain forest.
Treat your customers with respect you make more customers. Treat your customers like pirates, you make more pirates.


So with SC:B being released in a few days... how do you plan to release PS without being regarded as a "cheap copy"?
If there are any orthographic/grammatical errors in this post, you can keep them and, if you want, hang them over your bed ;)

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
- Mike Godwin


Simple: we're not a copy. Blacklist is for CoD players. We're aiming for hardcore stealth players. Different audience, different focus areas in the game. We've identified some interesting new gameplay mechanics that Blacklist doesn't have. And vice versa.

You won't see insta-killing Spies from the front in PS. I guess that's already a major difference ;-).
Quote from: savior2006SCDA has more bugs than a rain forest.
Treat your customers with respect you make more customers. Treat your customers like pirates, you make more pirates.


Quote from: frvge on August 16, 2013, 04:32:52 PM
Simple: we're not a copy. Blacklist is for CoD players. We're aiming for hardcore stealth players. Different audience, different focus areas in the game. We've identified some interesting new gameplay mechanics that Blacklist doesn't have. And vice versa.

You won't see insta-killing Spies from the front in PS. I guess that's already a major difference ;-).

That is true, but that is not the problem. The real problem is PREJUDICE! I think a lot of people may see it and immidietly dismiss it as a "copy" without even taking a look! If you want people to get interested then you must at least somehow use a way of advertising with that the people can immidietly see "this is the one and only real asymetric stealth multiplayer game".

We also didn't see everything about SC:B yet, e.g. which features belong to 4v4 and which belong to 2v2.
If there are any orthographic/grammatical errors in this post, you can keep them and, if you want, hang them over your bed ;)

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
- Mike Godwin


Quoteimmidietly dismiss it as a "copy"

I would agree with Maister_Neo here because just look at MineCraft. There's all kinds of games in the Xbox Live Indie game marketplace that has gameplay similar to MineCraft's though the actual game itself has a variety of different features to them. Though people still call those games a rip-off of MineCraft.

So the only question is that, will this same situation apply to Project Stealth? Because the entire game is very similar to Chaos Theory's and Pandora Tomorrow's multiplayer. Yet it has a variety of different features. But due to people not taking their time to actually play something that should be worth playing instead of some piece of shit game that came from classic to mainstream, and with their very low intellect. They'll still excuse it as a "rip-off".

Now this does makes me angry like everyone else because apparently no one understands the fact that the game is in the same genre.  :P