Our communication channels

Started by MacBryce, November 19, 2006, 05:43:59 PM

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We've got three means of communication for Project Stealth.

The first is IRC and it's accessible to everyone.
Our channel is .
You'll need mIRC or another IRC client to connect to it.
Here are some instructions:

  • Connect to a Quakenet server using mIRC.
  • Join the channel projectstealth (/join #projectstealth)

Next, the developers will use xFire as instant messenger.
We've got an xFire group up and running on an invitation basis.
Send me a PM on this forum if you're one of the developers and you would like to be invited to it.
You'll need the xFire client. Mac users can use the Adium plugin.
Joining the group can be a little tricky, so here are instructions.

  • Go to the xFire site.
  • Login using your xFire account.
  • Go to the webpage of our xFire group.
  • Accept the invitation.

Frvge has set up a Ventrilo server for voicechat.
Check our contact info page in the developer's section (limited access).
It's accessible to developers only.