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Topics - Cpl.Dimz

Public Discussion / Real-Time hacking in versus
December 06, 2006, 12:10:10 PM
so the new solo for double agent has an interesting little device used to for hacking ip's of security devices .

why not incorporate a user-dependant hacking gadget into versus , so its not just *sit and wait for animation to stop* hacks like in ct's versus ? i think it would definitely increase appeal among hardcore players , but then again it would deter some newb's who either dont want to hack or dont know how .
all in all , i think it will add more than subtract from the experience , since when you play a game , you are expected to show up for it .
Presentation Forum / Abandoned Asylum - Map
December 06, 2006, 02:45:31 AM
well i will omit a real story behind it since i want to get straight to the point ...

im thinking of mount hospital , but if it were ruined by a load of crazed out medicated psycho's then it would look alot more intimidating imo .

so the idea of numbered rooms would be the same , i think a central elevator shaft for the staff could be put in , as well as an outside park are for the visitors . ive seen images of one mental health facility where it even had an arboredum around it , sort of looked like a hospital enclosed in a jungle . would be a good balance of indoor/outdoor action if done with , and the entire map would look pretty spectacular and scary with a jungle outside and ruined dark hallways inside .

that is a start in unreal runtime enigne 2 demo's editor . the outside is nothing near complete and the textures inside are fairly poor .
Presentation Forum / real time hacking in versus
December 06, 2006, 02:37:23 AM
so the new solo for double agent has an interesting little device used to for hacking ip's of security devices .

why not incorporate a user-dependant hacking gadget into versus , so its not just *sit and wait for animation to stop* hacks like in ct's versus ? i think it would definitely increase appeal among hardcore players , but then again it would deter some newb's who either dont want to hack or dont know how .
all in all , i think it will add more than subtract from the experience , since when you play a game , you are expected to show up for it .
this game will suck just like ubi's , except ubi has more talented artists , and more of them . so if you think this game ( mod really , until one of them gets an idea in their head) then this will be the lamest place on the net .

and so you all know , they plan on recording ubi's sounds form the game , so that their lack of skill wont be obvious . i for one am happy to call this place shit , and all of the people who said my work is lousy , and they dont want me in this team , i am glad you say that , none of you are worth weorking with , except maybe the ones i dont know already . Zedblade is the worst map[per in the community , and i base this 90& on the creepy no brainer maps he's made , and 10 on balance . see zed it doesnt always work out for you . and to anyone who takes on the props artist role and has to bow down to zedblade , well just realize hes pushing you down just to make it upwards .
Public Discussion / reticles and attachments
November 15, 2006, 11:07:59 PM
i have access to hundreds of images , knowing off the top of my head more than a dozen sites about any kind of gear that would be used , and i realize while youre cloning versus and all , after that will be custom implementation ...

so i have some ideas , which i will update this topic with .

first , i think a number of reticles should be present , as no first person shooter (and this is 1st /3rd for anyone not ocnvinced merc is most certainly first person , and should act that way) i know of ever without more than 3 reticles .

the scope in DA is pretty good , but an Acog Reflex is a bit much . also the sight in double agent solo is pretty tight , i love the clarity in the glassed lens , so maybe something like above would be a good choice for upcoming customizations

and this for a merc weapon :

if mercs went silenced the gameplay would certainly be more interesting , since the sound of fire is often what leads the spies to the merc's position . but i believe that pt and ct versus was what it was , and it should be an option if it is even considered .

Join Us / Props artist
November 12, 2006, 09:23:41 PM
Hi , I am applying for character modeler or weapons /props modeler . also have very sound skills in adobe photoshop ; unreal editor ; cooledit audio recording (now adobe audition) ; FL Studio for sound sampling resampling mixing and creation of new sounds ; Mixman Technologies remixing solution for on the fly audio mixing ;Macromedia Flash 8 .

here is an updated portfolio :