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Messages - RaDRoacH

I'm confused as well, why you're calling him fridge?
Public Discussion / Re: Is this Happening?
September 13, 2014, 01:42:28 PM
Well, those are pretty good news :)
General / Off-Topic / Metal Gear Solid V coming to PC!
August 15, 2014, 07:00:28 PM
I can't wait to have it on Steam!
And Metal Gear Online....
That's one of the greatest MP experience I've ever had in my life.
Are you still going to gamescom?
Funding unsuccessful... what will you do now?
It looks nice, I would love to see an alternative version with some "diving pants", like this

It's hard to say that the project will be funded...
What's gonna happen if the kickstart will fail?
The face part is very similiar to the 3E Shadow Armor... And I like it.
The torso part looks nice, and yes the arms are skinny.
The things i don't like are the pants and the boots.
I've already tried to send a news tip to IGN (THEY EVEN HAVE A DEDICATED SECTION FOR THAT HERE but they didn't released anything!

If you can try! Good Luck.

BTW i'm trying to post on their forums.

woow. The chaff effect is really fantastic! Better than the one in the trailer! Also the running animation isn't bad too.
Quote from: AgentX_003 on May 25, 2014, 07:20:51 AM
Monday ? No. It has to be sooner then that, Rad roach is right you only have 27 days so the sooner you act the better , because each day you don't act you lose peoples interest .
+1 Today it's the day! Go on and update those pages frvge.

I saw Centerstrain01 playing SCDA and SCB multiplayer so I tried to send him an email about the kickstart, I hope he will accept to make a video about it.


Can someone please translate this well? It looks like an attack against project stealth :/ Yea, i think they are saying "Project Stealth will fail because ubisoft will release another splinter cell game in the next year, with Spies vs Mercs included" , seems like they don't know that ubisoft isn't supporting Blacklist anymore and they do the same with every game.
That's very bad...
About IGN, yea you are right about that... but I wonder why PC Gamer didn't wrote a article about the kickstart...
I suggest to add Paypal asap... let's hope that more people will back you.... this time you need to move fast guys, you only have 27 days.
I've send the news to IGN yesterday, but it looks like that those fucks are ignoring me! Also why PC gamer didn't released news as well?
The ubiforum thread is still alive, and the strange thing is that the managers/mods are moving other threads in the OT forum and not mine... lol very strange.
Quote from: NeoSuperior on May 23, 2014, 10:53:33 PM
We crossed the first 1000€! YAY! 89000€ to go...

YEAH... *looks at 89k€* oooooooooooohhhh :(

Quote from: AgentX_003 on May 23, 2014, 10:17:54 PM
Give them Pay pal, they will come. :D

I agree, come one most of us on FB are around the 18-23 (yrs old) and not everyone owns a credit card...
Thanks for the help on the forums.
I just backed the game half hour ago, KS doesn't support paypal tho?